DotNet Online Training

eGlobalSystems  Offering DOTNET Real-time Online Training Classes For Weekend And Regular Batches For Individuals And Professionals. eGlobalSystems  Offering Free DEMO/ Seminar On DOTNET Access Control By Real Time Expert. Once Experience Our Free Sessions And Decide Further.


Note: Each Session consists of 1 Hour Duration
Session I
Introduction To .Net
  • History of .Net
  • .Net Definition
  • .Net Benefits over Java

Session II
Introduction to .NET Framework
  • .Net with different languages
  • .Net Features
  • Introduction To Assemblies
  • CLR
  • BCL
  • .Net Framework Architecture
Session III
Introduction to .NET Framework
  • CTS
  • MSIL
  • JIT Compilers
  • COM
  • Web Services
Session 4         Variables
  • Simple .Net Program
  • Variables
  • Introduction To Data Types
Ø  Pre-Defined Data Type
Ø  Derived Data Type
Ø  User Defined Data Type
Session 5         Data Types In .Net
  • Boolean Data Type
  • Integrals
  • Floating and Decimal
  • Strings
  • Unary Operators
  • Binary Operators
Session 6 Arrays
  • Single Dimension
  • Multi Dimension
  • Jagged Arrays
  • Value Type
  • Reference Type
  • Importance of Boxing and Unboxing
Session 8 Control Structures
  • If Statement
Ø  If-Else Statement
Ø  Nested If-Else Statement
  • Switch Statement
  • While
  • Do While
  • for loop
  • for-each loop
Session 9
  • Functions
  • Function Parameters
  • Call-By-Value
  • Call-By-Ref   
  • Static Function
  • Introduction To Structures
  • Difference Between Structures and Classes
  • Enum Definition

Session 11 Constructors
  • Constructors and Destructors
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Constructor OverLoading
  • Private Constructors
  • Constructor Chaining
  • Static Constructors
Session 12 Inheritance
  • Single Inheritance
  • Multi Level Inheritance
  • Hierarchical Inheritance
Session 13 Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • Abstract Classes
  • Interfaces
  • Differences Between abstract Classes and Interfaces
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • Static Polymorphism
  • Dynamic Polymorphism
Session 14 Exceptions
  • Unhandled Exceptions
  • Handled Exceptions
  • Finally Block
  • Importance of Finally Block
Session 15 Exceptions and Namespace
  • Multiple Catch Blocks
  • Generic Exceptions
  • User Defined Exceptions
  • Namespace
  • Importance of Namespace
Session 16 Windows Applications
  • Forms
  • Form Properties
  • Login Program
  • Mouse Events
Session 17 Controls
  • Run Time Controls
  • Design Time Controls
  • Button Controls
  • Text Boxes
Session 18 Controls
  • Rich Text Boxes
  • List Boxes
  • Link Label
Session 19 Controls
  • Check Boxes
  • Radio Buttons
  • Differences Between Check Boxes and Radio Buttons
  • Group Boxes
Session 20 Controls
  • Combo Box
  • Tree View Control
  • Tool Tip
  • Error Provider
  • Context Menus
  • Color Dialog Box
Session 21 Files
  • Working with Files
  • StreamReader and StreamWriter Class
  • Create A File and Read from it
  • Open Dialog Box
Session 22 Database
  • Introduction To Database
  • Object Model
  • Types of Databases
  • Architecture of Object Model
  • Differences Between Connected Architecture and Disconnected Architecture
Session 23 ADO.Net
  •  Disconnected Database Connection
  • ADO.Net Data Architecture
  • DataSet
Data Provider
Ø  SQL Data Provider
Ø  OLEDB Data Provider
Ø  Connection Object
Ø  Command Object
Ø  DataReader Object
  • DataAdapter
Session 24 Database
  • Connection To SQL Server with wizard
  • Connection To SQL Server through code
  • Adding data to the database through Front End
  • Deleting data in the database through Front End
  • Working with DataSets
Session 25 Assemblies
  • IL Code
  • Manifest
  • Private Assemblies
  • Global Assemblies
  • Satellite Assembly
  • Strong Name Key
  • Global Assembly Cache
Session 26 Delegates
  • Function Pointers
  • Usage of Delegates
  • Deployment

Session 27 Event Handles
  • Event Handler Mechanism in .Net Framework
  • Invoking an Event
  • GUI Event Handling in C#
  • Application of an Event Handler
Session 28 Generics
·         Understanding Generics
·         Generic Types and Classes
·         Generic Constraints
·         Stacks
Session 29 Generics
·         Queues
·         Linked List
·         Sorting Collections
Session 30 Multi-Threading
  • What is a Thread?
  • Working With Multi-Threads
  • Applications Of Multi-Threading
  • Life Cycle of a Thread
  • Thread Priority
Session 31 LINQ      
  • Introduction
  • Types of LINQ
  • LINQ To Objects
Session 32 Attributes
  • Using Attributes
  • Why Attributes
  • Attribute Basic
  • Attribute Parameters

Session 1 Introduction To .Net
  • History of .Net
  • .Net Definition
  • .Net Benefits over Java
Session II       Introduction to .NET Framework
  • .Net with different languages
  • .Net Features
  • Introduction To Assemblies
  • CLR
  • BCL
  • .Net Framework Architecture
Session III  .Net Framework
  • CTS
  • MSIL
  • JIT Compilers
  • COM
  • Web Services

Session 4         Introduction to HTML        
  • Introduction To Web Pages
  • Static and Dynamic Web Pages
  • User Controls
  • Meta Data
Session 5         Scripting Languages            
  • Introduction to Scripting Languages
  • VB Script and Java Script
  • Validating User Input
Session 6 Server Scripting
  • JS File
  • Validating User Input
  • ASP
  • Introduction to ASP
  • Request and Response Objects
  • Getting Server Time
  • Getting Data From Server
Session 7         Introduction to ASP.Net      
  • Features of ASP.Net
  • Advantages of ASP.Net
  • Configuring IIS 7
Session 8         Web Forms               
  • Web Form
  • Components of The Web Forms
  • ASP.Net Application Stages
Session 9  Web Forms
  • Code Behind Technique
  • Calculating Simple Interest
  • Generating User Name and Password
Session 10 Web Application State
  • Web Form Page Life Cycle
  • Round Trips
  • Stateless State
  • Statefull State
Session 11 Saving State At The Client
  • Cookies
  • HTML Hidden Form Fields
  • Query String
Session 12 Saving State At The Server
  • Application State
  • Session State
  • PostBack

Session 13   Web Controls                     
  • Label
  • Text Box
  • Button
  • Link Button
  • Image Button
Session 14 Web Controls
  • Hyperlink
  • Drop Down List
  • Check Box
  • Check Box List
  • Radio Button
  • Radio Button List
Session 15 Web Controls
  • Image
  • Panel
  • Calendar
  • Table
Session 16 Web Controls
  • Validation Controls
  • AD Rotator
Session 17 Database
  • Introduction To Database
  • Object Model
  • Types of Databases
  • Architecture of Object Model
  • Differences Between Connected Architecture and Disconnected Architecture
Session 18 ADO.Net
  •  Disconnected Database Connection
  • ADO.Net Data Architecture
  • DataSet
  • Data Provider
Ø  SQL Data Provider
Ø  OLEDB Data Provider
Ø  Connection Object
Ø  Command Object
Ø  DataReader Object
  • DataAdapter
Session 19 Database
  • Connection To SQL Server with wizard
  • Connection To SQL Server through code
  • Adding data to the database through Front End
  • Deleting data in the database through Front End
  • Working with DataSets
Session 20       XML                          
·         Introduction to XML
·         XML Program
·         Relation Between XML and HTML
Session 21 XML
·         XML Parsers
·         DTD’s
Ø  Internal DTD
Ø  External DTD
Session 22 Web Services
  • WSDL
  • UDDI
  • SOAP
  • SOAP Architecture
  • XML Web Services
Session 23                   AJAX            
  • Basic Concepts
  • Working of am AJAX
  • XMLHttp Object
  • Example on AJAX

Session 24    CSS
·         Cascading Style Sheets
·         Inline Style Sheet
·         External Style Sheet
·         Embedded Style Sheet
·         Master Pages
     Session 25  Navigation Controls
·         SiteMapPath Control
·         Tree View Control

·         Menu Control


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